JWOC Training (19.06.2013)
Kategorie: Training
Karte/Gebiet: Chvalecsky Les
Land: Norway
Disziplin: Middle Distance
Distanz: 4.8 km
Zeit: 44:07
Durchschnittspuls: 154
Maximalpuls: 168

We jogged around a middle distance course in the morning. Crazily hot with a ridiculous number of flies. As soon as you walk or stop after the race a huge cloud forms, which can get pretty annoying. I ran well up until number 9 where I just stopped too short. I was at the green patch by the distinct tree, thinking it was the distinct vegetation boundary behind it. Afterwards it went will, just that one control where I lost 3 minutes.

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JWOC Training (19.06.2013) JWOC Training (19.06.2013)