ANZAC Day 3 - Part 3 (27/04/2014)
Категория: Training
Карта/область: Turkey Ridge
Организатор: AOTC
Страна: New Zealand
Длина пути: 2.94 km
Время: 26:01
Average HR: 145
Maximum HR: 162
Forest had very low visibility in areas and required reliance on the compass. Misread the control site at 2 and thought it was the edge of the hill top. Got distracted to 6 and made a parallel error. Thought I was in the right spot for 9, making a parallel error with the re-entrants. 10 as really vague and didnt quite know if I was in the right spot. Quite difficult but better than other parts of this training!
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ANZAC Day 3 - Part 3 (27/04/2014) ANZAC Day 3 - Part 3 (27/04/2014)