Måsenstafetten 2015 (29/03/2015)
Категория: Competition
Карта/область: Nävekvarn N
Страна: Sverige
Длина пути: 9.11 km
Время: 46:47
I ran first leg for the first team after Niklas had to pull due to illness. I was happy with my race, especially in the beginning. I had good speed and control over my technique, but then a tough couple of training days and the Swedish terrain caught up with me after the 8th control and I began to fade, and made some smaller mistakes. But came back in 6th, just behind the leaders so the team ended up winning quite comfortably! Fun!
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Måsenstafetten 2015 (29/03/2015) Måsenstafetten 2015 (29/03/2015)